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2018 Festival Sponsors
Home base for SSFF, Starlite Gallery in Southbridge is the ultimate patron of the arts. Artist and Impressario Demetri Kasperson created Starlite as a contemporary art gallery, performance space, craft cocktail bar and theatre. Established and emerging arts are represented from all disciplines.
WICN Public Radio 90.5 of Worcester is New England's Jazz station. Arts and culture contribute to a quality of life that keeps a community vibrant and economically alive. SSFF joins WICN in its mission of presenting authentic, independent music, on the radio and in the concert halls, preserving America's living art forms of Jazz and other music for generations to enjoy.
Mass Indie, our sister film festival, unites the creative force that exists outside of mainstream film and provides the venue to screen these works and promote interaction with a broad audience. MassIFF is a 501(c) non-profit organization and a friend and supporter of SSFF.
Forget what you know about horror conventions and music fests because we’ve got news for you. The annual Rock & Shock convention is both – the only event of its kind in the Northeast and first to blend horror conventions with music. fans can meet their favorite horror film stars, directors, writers and bands during the day - at night we have well-known national bands performing each night.

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